Aesthetic Fonts on Google Docs 2024


Note-taking has evolved from traditional spiral notebooks and pens to organized online documents thanks to the internet. Now, you can type and organize notes without worrying about paper, folders, and binders getting all over the place. I can't count the number of times, I've lost my notes or sporadically jotted down info for the same subject in different places. All of this was resolved once I made the switch to Google Docs. Not to mention, sharing notes got a whole lot easier too!

The only thing I miss is doodling in the margins, drawing creative headers, and adding pretty illustrations to brighten up the page. I'm pretty sure teachers could tell my work apart from others by the added artwork. You can still dress up your notes with cute fonts on Google Docs, although they may not be as pretty as your handwriting.  

In this article, I'm sharing a few aesthetic fonts on Google Docs that I've been using lately to channel that classic note-taking look. Let's get into it!  

  1. Swanky and Moo Moo

  2. The Girl Next Door

  3. Gamja Flower

  4. Gaegu

  5. Mali

  6. Mulish

  7. Elsie

  8. Roboto

  9. Sue Ellen Francisco

  10. Indie Flower

  11. Just Another Hand

  12. Raleway

  13. La Belle Aurore

  14. Nothing You Could Do

  15. Outfit (light)

  1. Swanky and Moo Moo


2. The girl next door


3. Gamja Flower

4. Gaegu

5. Mali

6. Mulish

7. Elsie

8. Roboto

9. Sue Ellen Francisco

10. Indie Flower

11. Just Another Hand

12. Raleway

13. La Belle Aurore

14. Nothing You Could Do

14. Outfit (light)

How to Add Fonts to Google Docs

You'll have to add most of these fonts to Google Docs, but this doesn't take much time or effort to do. First, click the dropdown arrow next to the font menu and tap more fonts at the top. Type the name of the font, click it so a checkmark is next to the name, then click OK at the bottom of the menu. You're all set!

aesthetic techAri