Best Aesthetic Wallpaper iPhone in 2022

An aesthetic iPhone wallpaper can take your background from plain to pretty in a matter of a few taps. While you can easily search for pictures on Google, I found the best aesthetic wallpapers are on sites you may not have seen before. These sites are typically owned by content creators with an eye for design. The first site that comes to mind is She The Spy. Her site is dedicated to pretty much all things pertaining to aesthetic content. You’ll find home screen kits, IG story backgrounds, and of course, wallpapers.

Another content creator you need to check out is RJ Kaur. She has a really successful Pinterest account full of beautiful Instagram stories idea and a board dedicated to wallpapers that you can save. The next content creator you should regulary check out for aesthetic iPhone wallpapers is…myself. Yes, I’m going to have a shameless self-promotion moment 😂 I started making wallpapers years ago that I would share to Pinterest. My first viral pin that drove thousands of views to my first blog was a wallpaper featured in this list. Can you guess which one?

Eventually, I took a hiatus from creating personal content because life moved in another direction. Work, grad school, and all the inbetweens pushed content creation sadly to the side. Work being a major factor. A previous job heavily involved content creation and as a result, the joy of creating slowly faded away. That’s when I learned, hobbies should remain as a hobby, but I’m glad I took the chance.  Now, with my hobbies and work having clear distinctions, I can put my creativity back into my blog. 

With further ado, here’s my take on the best aesthetic wallpaper iPhones you can save and share. Please respect that I made these, so remember to give credit if you do repost on your site. Sharing (with credit) is caring! 💖 If you have suggestions on wallpaper you would like to see or any questions, please reach out! In the meantime, see you in the next post.


Frequently Asked Questions

How do get aesthetic background on iPhone?

You can get an aesthetic background on iPhone in a few easy steps.

  1. Save an aesthetic background to your iPhone.
  2. Open your settings and select "wallpaper."
  3. Tap "choose a new wallpaper" and select the background from your photos.

Where can I find cute iPhone wallpapers?

You can find cute iPhone wallpapers on many sites such as She The Spy,, and The Chic Pursuit.

How do you make an aesthetic wallpaper?

You can make a free aesthetic wallpaper by using a free design tool such as Canva. Visit Canva, create a free account, set the background size, and begin customzing your wallpaper with the toolbar on the left side of the screen.
